Maybe you’re into the whole New Year’s resolution thing. Maybe you’re not. And maybe you are, but you’ve already slipped a little bit in pursuit of those goals within the first 10 days of 2022. (It’s OK, no judgment here.)
Anyhow, you might be surprised at all the ways a little resort time can help in that quest to live better — whatever type of resolution you have in mind.
Find a Travel Adventure
Fun fact: Did you know that when French Lick Resort reopened in the summer of 2020 after a brief closure during the pandemic, that 80 percent of our guests were first-time visitors?
In this post-shutdown world, there’s just something about satisfying that wanderlust again, and also seeing new views and first-time experiences. Scratch something off that travel bucket list in 2022, whether it’s French Lick, West Baden, or even somewhere else you’ve had your heart set on. And don’t be pressured to fill your itinerary top to bottom, either — according to Expedia, 54% of travelers said having the time to relax and do nothing is what makes them happiest.
Exercise More
Maybe you have your own spin on this one.
Move more and sit less.
Double the time you spend outside.
Whatever your angle, the “exercise more” push is always one of the No. 1 priorities during resolution season. And around here, there’s no shortage of outdoor activities to try or miles to cover. A round-trip walk on the Ferguson Trail (which connects French Lick and West Baden Springs Hotels) will get you about halfway to that daily 10,000 steps goal. And if outdoor walking isn’t in the cards, you can cover a lot of ground fully indoors at the resort.
If you prefer wooded trails to paved paths, there’s nearly 12 miles to explore on our resort trail system as well. Stick to Trail 1 for a short, moderate stroll, and tack on Trails 2 and 3 if you’re feeling a longer, hillier challenge.
Learn a New Skill
“So, what’d you do at French Lick Resort?”
“Oh, ya know, just relaxed, and ate …. and shot a .20 gauge shotgun.”
When people ask how your trip went, you can have a good story to tell about learning something new. You might not know we have a sporting clays range on property, and our staff can guide you through the basics of clay pigeon shooting, even if you’ve never held or fired a gun in your life. Never hurts to stray from that comfort zone a bit and try something new.
Or maybe this is the year you finally take up golf. We have a staff of three PGA professionals who give private lessons, including the newest addition to our staff, Lori Atsedes — the first female pro in resort history.
One of our golf guys has given group lessons to a family with three generations (son, father and grandfather), so you’re never too young or too old to get started.
Spend More Time with Family and Friends
About that family reunion, or that get-together with college friends you’ve been talked about but put off forever. 2022’s the year to make that a reality.
A destination reunion means that nobody has to feel the burden of planning and hosting everything, and some (or all) get the treat of traveling somewhere they’ve never experienced. And French Lick/West Baden make for a handy little meet-up spot. Indy, Chicago, Nashville, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus — we’re within a 4½-hour drive of all of you.
Live Life to the Fullest

Honestly, when else in life are you really going to get the chance to get dressed up, sip tea, eat cucumber sandwiches and listen to harp music, all while admiring an architectural marvel like the West Baden dome?
Around here, you can unlock some of those YOLO moments. So plan that Afternoon Tea service. Splurge for a round at The Pete Dye Course, one of the country’s top-ranked. Or just catch a sunrise or sunset from the Pete Dye hilltop, even if you’re not a golfer. Spring for a balcony room at West Baden (some things are worth it — you’ll thank us later). Play a round at the high-limits table; tackle the 24-ounce porterhouse or the lobster tails at 1875: The Steakhouse; plan a horse-drawn carriage ride this summer; or even something simple as a surrey cart ride. (You know it looks like fun…)
Make Time for Self-Care
Yes, a Swedish massage or a hydrafacial at the spa is a good place to start. But whatever your definition of self-care investment is, you can find your outlet here.
Making it a priority of finding time everyday for meditation, reflection, or intentional breathing? The formal garden at both hotels are serene spots for quiet introspection. Aiming to spend less time on social media, or more time reading? (Or better yet both?) Grab a book, park yourself on a comfy seat in the atrium, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to unplug for a few uninterrupted hours.
Or maybe it’s that resolution biggie: to eat better. The meat/fish/veggie choices at Sinclair’s Restaurant and 1875: The Steakhouse are just what the doctor ordered. We’d also recommend the gigantic Cobb Salad (might be two meals) at Power Plant Bar & Grill, or the Salmon Caesar Salad at Ballard’s in the Atrium. Even Valley Bar has some solid options like Cedar Plank Salmon that’ll help you stick to that diet.
Embrace Spontaneity
Maybe you free-spirited types can assist your less adventurous loved ones and friends on this one.
But can’t we all agree how nice it’d be to plan a weekend getaway on a whim on Wednesday night…and be sitting poolside with a drink in hand 48 hours later on Friday? If there’s a silver lining from today’s unpredictable world, you stand a better chance to land a short-term booking at our hotels. (Though you’ll still want to plan in advance for certain times, especially in the summer.)
If you still need convinced to take a spontaneous plunge….we refer you back to some of these views!