French Lick ResortSafety & Emergency Procedures

At French Lick Resort, we understand that safety is important to you. We are providing the emergency procedures here for easy access.



Revised 2024



For individuals on French Lick Resort Property, follow these procedures:
Remain as calm as possible.
Determine your course of action.
AVOID (Escape)
If it is safe to do so, exit the building immediately. Move quickly to a safe location away from the shooter.
Leave your belongings behind.
If it is safe to do so, move towards police vehicles with your hands on your head and presenting no threat.
Follow the directions of any emergency responders you encounter.
DENY (Hide & Fortify)
Go to the nearest room or office.
Close, lock, and barricade the door with any heavy furniture.
Cover windows, if possible
Turn out the lights, if possible
Do NOT huddle in large groups.
Silence all noise producing sources, including your cell phones and remain quiet.
If you can provide any valuable information to the responding units, such as the whereabouts of the shooter, call 5555.
DEFEND (Take Out/Attack)
As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:
If someone near you has a life-threatening injury, and it is possible for you to safely provide first aid, do so up to but not exceeding your level of training.



If a suspicious package or device is located, follow these procedures:
1. Do not touch, move, or jar the package.
2. Do not use cell phones or radios near the suspicious package or device.
3. Notify the Resort Security immediately at 5555 and be prepared to provide the following information:
o What makes the package suspicious?
o Are there any liquids leaking from the package?
o Are there any oily stains on the package?
o Are there any odors coming from the package?
o Are there any wires protruding from the package?
o How long has the package been there?
4. Alert others in your area and begin an evacuation of the immediate area.
5. Notify the Security Officer in your building to assist with the evacuation.
6. Attempt to prevent others from entering the area near the suspicious package or device, if possible.
7. Proceed to an evacuation area at least 1000 feet from the center of the building.



Tornado Warning Procedure Level YELLOW: Procedures for associates to implement when the National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for the Orange County area but the towns of French Lick and West Baden are not in the path of the storm.
Tornado Warning Procedure Level RED: Procedures for associates to implement when the National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning and the towns of French Lick and West Baden are in the path of the storm. Resort Security Dispatch will provide direction to associates to begin implementing these procedures.
If a Tornado Warning is issued, the following steps will be taken:
1. The French Lick Security Department in conjunction of the National Weather Service will initiate the mass notification procedure for a Tornado Warning, which includes the following activations:
o Mass notification text, email, app push, and phone call
o Go to Security channel on radios
o Facility public address system
2. All individuals outside when the warning is issued should take cover in the nearest building.
3. All individuals inside when the warning is issued should remain indoors.
4. Individuals should take appropriate shelter in designated shelter area
5. Take direction from Public Safety and Crisis Coordinators in the building in which you are sheltering.
6. Crouch close to the ground, if possible, and cover the back of your head and neck with your hands
7. Remain in your sheltering location until the all-clear is issued from the French Lick Resort Security.



If you receive a bomb threat via telephone, follow these procedures:
1. If your phone is equipped with a caller ID, write down the caller’s number.
2. Listen closely to the caller and take notes regarding the threat.
3. Attempt to have another nearby person to listen to the call with you to capture additional information.
4. As soon as possible, contact or have someone else contact the French Lick Security at 5555 to notify them of the threat.
5. Provide the communications officers with as much information as possible, including the following:
o Information about the caller’s voice
o All information provided by the caller, including the location of the device, the detonation method, when the device will detonate, why the device was placed on campus, etc.
o Name and address of caller, if known
o Possible gender and/or age of the caller
o Number the threat was received on.
o Length of the call.
o Identifying background noises.



If an explosion or detonation of an explosive device occurs, follow these procedures:
1. Immediately evacuate the area
2. Help others evacuate, as needed.
3. Notify French Lick Resort Security @ 5555 as soon as possible and advise them of the situation.
4. Move to a safe location, preferably away from potential travel routes of emergency response vehicles.
5. Limit using a cell phones or radios.
6. Follow any directions provided by emergency responders.



Any person discovering a fire or smoky conditions should immediately locate the closest fire alarm pull station and activate the fire alarm to provide the building occupants the greatest amount of time to evacuate. Immediate notification of any fire or smoky conditions should be made to the French Lick Resort Security @ 5555.
During a fire alarm activation, follow these procedures if and only if, you feel safe to do so:
R.A.C.E. – Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish
1. RESCUE - First priority should be given to the safety of all associates, guests, and visitors in the immediate area of danger. Any injured persons should be moved to a safe location for treatment upon arrival of EMS. Area should be evacuated and all persons present should be asked to take the nearest safe exit from the area and move to an “area of refuge” such as a lobby area or other area outside of the danger zone. Look to your department manual for specific instructions regarding points of evacuation in your area.
2. ALARM – Call ext. 5555 to alert Resort Security Dispatch of the emergency and whether emergency services personnel such as the Fire Department and/or EMS is needed. When making this contact, provide specific information, such as the location of the emergency and nearest access route to the area of the emergency. If an active fire is detected, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and give a verbal warning to other associates.
3. CONTAIN – After all persons have been moved from danger and emergency services have been notified, steps should be taken to contain the fire emergency if appropriate and SAFE TO DO SO. Electrical shut offs should be accessed, flammable materials moved, doors and windows shut to reduce oxygen, etc.
4. EXTINGUISH – IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, use the nearest portable fire extinguisher utilizing the P.A.S.S. system: Pull the pin, Aim low at the base Squeeze the handle, and Sweep from side to side to extinguish a small fire.
If your first attempt to extinguish fails, evacuate do not reattempt.
If R.A.C.E. is not safe to perform, safe evacuation is PRIORITY.



A medical emergency is any situation in which a person or persons become ill or injured and require immediate medical attention.
In the event of a medical emergency perform the following actions:
1. Immediately call 911 then the French Lick Resort Security at 5555 to activate emergency response personnel. Provide French Lick Resort Security with all available information regarding the patient and situation including the following:
o Your name
o Nature of the emergency
o Location of the ill or injured person
o Condition of the ill or injured person
o Any existing dangerous conditions
If trained, administer medical assistance up to the level of your training. Never exceed your level of training in a medical situation. Do not attempt to move an injured person and ask them not to move unless there is immediate danger or hazard in the area.



A Psychological Crisis exists when an individual is threatening to harm himself/herself or another person, or is out of touch with reality, exhibiting uncontrollable behavior or hallucinations. Persons in this condition may also exhibit radical changes in their demeanor with little or no warning.
If you observe a person undergoing psychological distress:
Immediately notify the French Lick Resort Security @ 5555. Be prepared to provide the following information:
1. Your name and the name of the person suffering distress, if known
2. Location
3. Observed behaviors or symptoms.
Do not confront or attempt to detain the individual as this may exacerbate the situation. If you are unsure whether the person poses an immediate threat to yourself, or others use extreme caution. Your protection and the protection of those around you are the first priority.



In the event of a power failure:
1. Immediately report the outage to the French Lick Resort Security @ 5555, who will handle notification to Facility Management personnel to respond.
2. If the power is out for more than five (5) minutes, and if emergency lighting does not work, initiate an evacuation of the building.
3. Follow the evacuation protocol and assist others, as needed.
4. Never try to “fix” any electrical problems on your own
Anyone who believes they smell gas should:
1. Immediately report the smell to the French Lick Resort Security @ 5555
2. Follow evacuation protocols.
3. Evacuations should be uphill and upwind of the affected area.
Water utility failures will be handled on a case-by-case basis depending on the expected duration and extent of the failure.
Failures of the water system may require an evacuation or the initiation of a Fire Watch for the affected buildings. Water utility failures will likely cause plumbing issues (i.e. no flushing, water fountains, food preparation), which can become a critical issue.
All decisions regarding proper response will be made jointly by the French Lick Resort Security and Facility Management personnel