French Lick ResortSafety & Emergency Procedures

At French Lick Resort, we understand that safety is important to you. We are providing the emergency procedures here for easy access.



Revised 2025

Fire Procedures

Should a guest observe or become aware of a fire situation, he or she should immediately do the following:

  • Call 911 to report the fire. Be sure to provide specific information, such as the location of the emergency and nearest access route to the area of the emergency. If an active fire is detected, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and give a verbal warning to others.
  • Evacuate the building by taking the nearest safe exit from the area and move to an “area of refuge” such as a lobby area or other area outside of the danger zone.

Severe Weather Procedures

If the Resort is in the path of severe weather, an announcement will be made to all guests to take shelter. The Resort provides adequate shelter areas in the following locations and should be used promptly when severe weather is imminent.

  • Exit guest rooms and enter the guest corridors and standby for instructions to lower levels of the hotel and the designated shelter areas.
  • If there is not time to proceed to the lower level, guests should take shelter in the guest room bathrooms. 
  • Avoid glass windows and glass in stairwells.

Active Shooter Procedures

If an Active Shooting event occurs, guests should take the following steps:

  • Evacuate the building if you are able to. Leave all belongings behind and proceed to the evacuation point. If you have the ability to help get others out, please do so but you do not have to put yourself in harm’s way to do so.
  • Once you have evacuated, call 911 and provide details to identify what part of the building the incident is in at the time and a description of the suspect if possible.
  • If you cannot evacuate, lock the door if able and use chairs, tables, or anything else you can to barricade the door. Stay away from doors and windows. Call 911 when it is safe to do so.